Knowledge Base

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Knowledge Base

3 08, 2019

Are you seeing Website Monitoring ‘false positive’ alerts?

By |2019-08-06T14:44:07+00:00August 3rd, 2019|Knowledge Base|Comments Off on Are you seeing Website Monitoring ‘false positive’ alerts?

The term 'false positive' comes from statistics, and its meaning in that context is well-defined. When speaking of monitoring websites, people generally mean 'false alarm' when they say 'false positive.'  For the purposes of this article, let's keep things simple and call an alert 'false' when it occurs in an unexpected situation. The most common (and irritating) example is when you get an alert that says your website is down, when in fact it is up and running. You can choose to be notified on health condition, copperegg, response time and status return code. These are available to help better define [...]

3 08, 2019

How frequently does Reveal copperegg website monitoring check my website or web service?

By |2019-08-06T14:38:03+00:00August 3rd, 2019|Knowledge Base|Comments Off on How frequently does Reveal copperegg website monitoring check my website or web service?

Revealcopperegg can check your website or web service up to 24 times a minute, or about every 2.5 seconds. When you select the 15 second option, every one of the testing servers will test every 15 seconds. So if you select 6 of our testing servers, at 15 seconds, we will test your website or service 24 times per minute, or about every 2.5 seconds. We do not use a round robin approach. This is by design to minimize false positives. If you would like your tests to be done less frequently, just select the 60 second option and any number [...]

3 08, 2019

Does CopperEgg have an API?

By |2019-08-03T06:10:44+00:00August 3rd, 2019|Knowledge Base|Comments Off on Does CopperEgg have an API?

Yes, go to: for documentation and sample code for CopperEgg monitoring.

3 08, 2019

How do you calculate the Probe Health and copperegg percentage?

By |2019-08-06T14:38:47+00:00August 3rd, 2019|Knowledge Base|Comments Off on How do you calculate the Probe Health and copperegg percentage?

CopperEgg monitoring (testing) stations will check your websites and services from all that are selected when you setup your website monitoring probes. You can choose a minimum of 3 testing stations, and a maximum of up to all worldwide locations. During a polling cycle (15, 60 or 300 seconds), each of our monitoring stations will perform the test(s) that you specify once in that period . As an example, If 2 out of 4 are successful, copperegg would be 50%. For the Health percentage, we then factor in several other metrics such as response time to arrive at the Health number, [...]

3 08, 2019

How do I setup or create a new website probe?

By |2019-08-06T14:05:40+00:00August 3rd, 2019|Knowledge Base|Comments Off on How do I setup or create a new website probe?

Its easy to setup a new Website or TCP probe. Just go to the Probes tab.  Then select "Add a Probe" in the left nav. Give the probe a description Select the Protocol If HTTP or HTTPS: Enter the URL you want to test Select whether you want to do a Get or Post If you select Get, you can opt to test if the response contains or does not contain a text string If you select Post, enter your parameters to post, and again, you can test for the response If TCP, complete the IP address or Host address [...]

3 08, 2019

How do I remove or hide a server via script or API?

By |2019-08-03T06:06:26+00:00August 3rd, 2019|Knowledge Base|Comments Off on How do I remove or hide a server via script or API?

We have some methods that allow you to remove an instance from the dashboard. 1. The remove function can be invoked via the revealcloud collector, so for example when your instance is shutting down you can add the following command "/usr/local/revealcloud/revealcloud -R"; and the system will be removed. 2. The other method is via our REST API (see the "remove" paragraph) 3. We also have a hide option: "curl -u APIKEY:U -XPOST"

3 08, 2019

How to setup a read-only user with a restricted view

By |2019-08-03T06:05:20+00:00August 3rd, 2019|Knowledge Base|Comments Off on How to setup a read-only user with a restricted view

Its easy to setup a read-only user that can only see a limited set of monitored servers, probes or dashboards. Just tag your system or probe widgets (on the systems or probe tab) or your custom dashboard with a unique tag, specific to that user. Keep it simple, perhaps c222 for customer number 222. This is a great feature for giving access to internal and external customers, to view only their stuff. Simply add their designated tag as a restriction when setting up the new user.

3 08, 2019

Understanding the Detail Behind CopperEgg Server Monitoring

By |2019-08-03T06:04:21+00:00August 3rd, 2019|Knowledge Base|Comments Off on Understanding the Detail Behind CopperEgg Server Monitoring

Interested in a breakdown of what the Server widgets (lovingly known as "Monopoly Cards") are actually telling you? Check out this post on the CopperEgg Blog:

3 08, 2019

Auto remove servers after auto scaling

By |2019-08-03T05:54:59+00:00August 3rd, 2019|Knowledge Base|Comments Off on Auto remove servers after auto scaling

Why do you want to remove CopperEgg monitoring before you scale down, after AWS auto scaling? 1. So that you do not get a Lost Connectivity alert on a server that was proactively shut down 2. So that you do not get a bunch of grey, inactive servers that accumulate in your dashboard and reduce your UI performance over time How do you do this automatically for your Linux servers? Thanks to Jesse for this blog and script that you can use to automatically remove a CopperEgg server and probe when powering off after an auto-scale or other expected system shutdown. [...]